Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break Adventure

Sooo I'm sitting in the airport in Ft Lauderdale right now waiting for my connecting flight to COSTA RICA (which is late).

this has been the most randomly thrown together trip ever and i love it. the plan is to go down and see the school i might work at and the apartment i might be renting while im there.

saturday night im going out with daniel and heidi and christian to celebrate heidi and daniel's birthdays so that should be fun.

sometime im meeting with the guy about the internship (dont know when).

and other than that im just gonna play it all by ear. i'll probably end up staying with heidi another night or so so she can show me around san jose more and then the rest of the time ill be in los guido. hopefully i can spend my time hanging out and loving on the kids like usual. :-)

ill HOPEFULLY be able to update this more than usual since heidi has internet at her apt and daniel will have internet at his too.

love you guyssss!!!! :-)