Wednesday, November 25, 2009

im on my way again!!!

sooo I'm off to costa rica again in just about 2 days!!!!!! ive had this countdown going ever since i still had about 135 days so it feels like MAGIC to be able to say that it is only 2 days away now!

i have to say, it is soo strange to be planning this trip by myself. i have never ever gone anywhere by myself and its kind of scary. im going to miss having my dad there of course and also having a friend there with me. its going to be AMAZING for my spanish skills haha, but im sure im going to be going crazy not having anybody to speak english to. BUT it will be good for me. i can rely on daniel to be able to speak just a little bit of english i guess. enough to keep me sane haha. and in reality this is going to be good for me and a really big decider for once i graduate. it will be good to see what its like to be there by myself for an extended period of time so i can make sure its really where i want to and am supposed to be next year.

im SO excited to see my kiddies!! i cant even express how amazing its going to feel to see all of their beautiful smiling faces and give all of them hugs and just see how they're doing. all i think about while im here in the US is how they are doing and what they are up to so it will be amazingly good to see them and spend a ton of time playing with them.

the plan that i know of so far: wake up every day and play with the kids. all day and every day! :-) i know edgar mentioned going to guanacaste again (which i cant decide if im excited about because of the heat haha) and then i know that the last weekend im there we're all going on a retreat-like thing with the youth of the church. basically ill just be doing what im asked to do though.

so at this point the thing i am most worried about is fitting all of my stuff into my 2 suitcases and one carry on bag. so far ive fit allll of the supplies that have been donated (thank you sooooo much to all of you!) into one of the bags and it weighs 45 pounds which is amazinggg. the only problem now is that i have to fit all my clothes and such that i need for the trip plus ALL of the presents for the family and api/ christopher/ emily etc and etc etc in my other suitcase and my carry-on. ohhhh the stress of being able to fit everything into the bags! haha. BUT i have to say, if thats my biggest problem then im doing pretty well.

SO thats pretty much it. i apologize that this is so scattered. im typing this and watching andrew AND watching the finale of jon and kate plus 8 all at the same time haha. HOPEFULLY ill be able to write in this thing while i am in costa rica but, if not, ill definitely update everybody when i get back! SEE YOU ALL AFTER DECEMBER 21ST!!!! :-)
