Saturday, December 12, 2009

what ive been up to

sooo i asked reallyyyy nicely and daniel agreed to bring me to the internet again. :-) haha not that he has a problem going.

its been a crazy week and im actually having trouble thinking of what i want to write. i should have read ovet the stuff on my lap top before i came so i could remember haha.

in all honestly most of the week ive been playing hard core with the kids. ive had a chance to hang out with some of the kids in smaller groups which has been fun. i spent a few hours one night with manfred and geissell making bracelets and such and it was a lot of fun.

yesterday i went to some missions meeting with daniel and then we went to this radio station so he could drop off some of his crosses that hes donating.

today i went shopping with tamara and daniel and edgar to buy the last presents for the kids party which is next week.

we leave tomorrow for guanacaste and i think we´re coming back on wendesday. egdar said something to me about going to a volcano this time or something so im hoping it wont be too hott!

joshua is sitting here with me and im showing him pictures from 2 summers ago. haha fun times. i think hes enjoying it.
BUT i guess i should end this now. things are going well and i miss you all!